EnigmA Amiga Run 1996 March
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 05 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-03][Skylink CD IV].iso
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679 lines
; Nov/Dez 94/Jan 95/Feb 95/Mar 95
; RareDiamonds Installer-Script
; 15.01'95 - Installiert den ausgewählten DrawerTyp auch als def_drawer.
; - Der Iconpart läßt sich 'skippen'.
; - Guide wird mitinstalliert.
; 18.01'95 - Legt Backup mit CopyIcons an.
; - Tauscht drawer.infos mit ChangeDrawerImages.
; - Tauscht drawer.infos auf beliebigen Partitionen.
; - an einigen Stellen noch confirms eingefügt.
; 21.01'95 - neues CopyIcons -> CopyIcon.
; 11.02'95 - Disk.info Installation.
; 06.03'95 - Disk.info Installation etwas vereinfacht.. :)
; 23.03'95 - nur noch eine Iconvariante.
(set @default-dest "") ;there is no final place...
;!!change this before release!!
(makeassign "sos" "sys:" (safe)) ;set sos: for dos-scripts
; backup known .info - files on SYS:
(procedure backupIcons
(set backupIcons_path "ram:")
(prompt "\n\n Backup Icons of your SYS: partition?")
(help (cat "If you want to preserve your current icon-set, "
"then go on with 'YES'.\n I will backup then every "
"icon on your SYS: partition."))
);end askbool
(set backupIcons_path
(prompt "Select destination path for 'sys_Backup' drawer.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default backupIcons_path)
);end askdir
);end set
(set backupIcons_path (tackon backupIcons_path "sys_Backup"))
(execute ("install_scripts/backup_icons %s%s%s" '"' backupIcons_path '"')
(prompt "\n\nMaking .info-backup of your sys: partition. "
"to\n\n" backupIcons_path "\n\n You may restore your"
" original iconset by typing : \n\n"
"copy " backupIcons_path " sys: all \n\n"
"in a cli window.")
(help "I hope you will never need the backup.. ;-)")
);end execute
);end then
);end if
);end procedure
; install icons
(procedure installIcons
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nInstall IconSet?")
(help "Install Iconset or not?"))
(complete 0)
(set drawer
(prompt "Select drawer icon for installation."
"\n See 'IconArchive/drawers' for previews.")
(choices "drawer1" "drawer2" "drawer3" "drawer4")
(default 3)
(help "Select the one you like most.. my favorit is drawer4.")
(set drawer (+ drawer 1))
(execute ("install_scripts/sys_drawer %ld" drawer)
(prompt "\n\n replace all drawer .info images on sys: ?")
(help "This part (recursivly) scans only subdirectories which have its own .info file.")
(complete 15)
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\n Replace icon images in prefs, system, tools, utilities, wbstartup, etc.?")
(help (cat "This part replaces the icon images of the standard programs on sys: (in their "
"original location) and a few others like ReqChange or ToolManager (if available "
"in wbstartup or prefs)." ))
(execute "install_scripts/sys_DevsStorage")
(complete 30)
(execute "install_scripts/sys_disk")
(complete 35)
(execute "install_scripts/sys_system")
(complete 40)
(execute "install_scripts/sys_tools")
(complete 45)
(execute "install_scripts/sys_utilities")
(complete 50)
(execute ("install_scripts/sys_env-archive %ld" drawer))
(complete 55)
(execute "install_scripts/mui")
(complete 60)
(execute "install_scripts/NickPrefs")
(complete 65)
(execute "install_scripts/ReqChange")
(complete 70)
(execute "install_scripts/sys_prefs")
(complete 75)
(execute "install_scripts/sys_ToolsCommodities")
(complete 80)
(execute "install_scripts/ToolManager")
(complete 85)
(execute "install_scripts/wbstartup")
(complete 90)
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nInstall available 'ImageDrawers'?\n"
"Preview in IconArchive/Sys/ImageDrawers")
(help "Install them or not?")
(execute "install_scripts/sys_imagedrawers")
(complete 100)
; install drawers
(procedure installDrawers
(set drawer_path "ram:")
(set backup_path "ram:")
(set goon 1)
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nInstall drawer.info files on any other partition?\n\n")
(help ""))
(while (= goon 1)
(set drawer
(prompt "Select drawer icon for installation."
"\n See 'IconArchive/Drawers' for previews.")
(choices "drawer1" "drawer2" "drawer3" "drawer4")
(default 3)
(help "Select the one you like most.. my favorit is drawer4.")
(set drawer (+ drawer 1))
(set drawer_path
(prompt "Select path for replacing drawer .info images.")
(help "This part (recursivly) scans only subdirectories which have its own .info file.")
(default drawer_path)
);end askdir
);end set
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nBackup drawer .info files?")
(help "You may restore them like the sys: backup."))
(message "\n\nDo NOT select the SAME DEVICE for source and destination, when "
"the destination drawer has its own .info file. "
"The drawer .info files in the backup drawer would change too "
"and the backup would be useless. "
"When the destination drawer has NO .info file, you may use the "
"same device.")
(set backup_path
(prompt " Create or select a drawer as destination for the backup.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default backup_path)
);end askdir
);end set
(run ("c/CopyIcon %s%s%s %s%s%s d a" '"' drawer_path '"' '"' backup_path '"')
(prompt "\n\n Making drawer .info backup from\n\n"
drawer_path "\n\n to\n\n " backup_path)
(help "last chance to skip the backup...")
);end run
(run ("c/ChangeDrawerImages IconArchive/Drawers/Drawer%ld %s%s%s" drawer '"' drawer_path '"')
(prompt "\n\n Really change drawer .info's now...? ;) ")
(help "last chance to skip... ")
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nNext path?\n")
(help "yes or no?"))
(set goon 1)
(set goon 0)
);end if
);end do
);end while
); end then
);end if
; install disk.info's
(procedure installDisks
(set disk_path "ram:")
(set goon 1)
(set number 1)
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nInstall a disk.info file to any other partition?\n\n")
(help "yes or no?"))
(while (= goon 1)
(set diskinfo
(prompt "Select disk.info icon for installation."
"\n See 'IconArchive/Disks' for previews.")
(choices "Sys" "Disk1" "Disk3" "HD" "Ram")
(default 3)
(help "Select the one which fits best to the drive.")
(if (= diskinfo 0)
(set infoname "Sys")
(if (= diskinfo 1)
(set infoname "Disk1")
(if (= diskinfo 2)
(set infoname "Disk3")
(if (= diskinfo 3)
(set infoname "HD")
(if (= diskinfo 4)
(set infoname "Ram")
(set disk_path
(prompt "Select Drive for installing disk.info file.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default disk_path)
);end askdir
);end set
(set disk_name (getdevice disk_path))
(run ("c/Change1Icon IconArchive/Disks/%s %s:Disk" infoname disk_name)
(prompt ("\n\n Install %s to %s:Disk.info?" infoname disk_name)
(help "last chance to skip..")
(if (askbool
(prompt ("\n Is the device a non-permanent storage? \n\n(like ram: ; read help for more.)"))
(help "I will copy the Disk.info to envarc/sys/ and add a "
"line to your User-Startup, so the Disk.info will be copied "
"to the device on startup.")
(if (askbool
(prompt ("\n Copy Disk.info to \n\n envarc:sys/def_%s.info\n\n" disk_name )
("\n\n Yes? Then snapshot Icon NOW!"))
(help "")
(run ("copy %s:Disk.info env:sys/def_%s.info" disk_name disk_name))
("RareDiamonds copy .info %ld" number)
(command ("copy envarc:sys/def_%s.info %s:Disk.info" disk_name disk_name))
(set number (+ number 1))
(prompt ("\nAdd\n\n copy env:sys/def_%s.info %s:Disk.info\n\n" disk_name disk_name)
("to UserStartup?"))
(help "")
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nNext path?\n")
(help "yes or no?"))
(set goon 1)
(set goon 0)
);end if
);end do
);end while
); end then
);end if
; install RareDiamonds/IconArchive.
(procedure installArchive
(set Archive-help (cat "This part of the installation copies the RareDiamonds Icon "
"Archive to a selectable destination, so you may easily access "
"any icon-image for further icon actions with IconToolBox or "
"any other Icon-Tool."))
(set archive-dest "ram:")
(set archive2-dest "ram:")
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nInstall the RareDiamonds IconArchive?")
(help Archive-help)
(set archive-dest
(prompt "Select destination path for 'RareDiamonds/IconArchive' Drawer(s).")
(default archive-dest)
(help @askdir-help)
(message "\n\nInstalling RareDiamonds' IconArchive to\n\n "
(tackon archive-dest "RareDiamonds/IconArchive"))
(makedir (tackon archive-dest "RareDiamonds"))
(source "install_Icons/RareDiamonds.info")
(dest archive-dest))
(dest (tackon archive-dest "RareDiamonds"))
(set archive2-dest
(tackon archive-dest "RareDiamonds"))
(source "IconArchive")
(dest (tackon archive2-dest "IconArchive"))
(source "install_Icons/IconArchive.info")
(dest archive2-dest))
(dest (tackon archive2-dest "IconArchive"))
(prompt "Select Files...")
(source "")
(dest archive2-dest)
(choices "RareDiamondsE.guide" "RareDiamondsD.guide")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(dest (tackon archive2-dest "RareDiamondsE.guide"))
(dest (tackon archive2-dest "RareDiamondsD.guide"))
; install IconToolBox.
(procedure installToolbox
(set toolbox-dest "ram:")
(set IconToolBox-help (cat "IconToolBox is a small tool mainly for replacing "
"icon-images with images from the IconArchive. See "
"IconToolBox.guide for more information.\n\n"
"IconToolBox is a MUI (MagicUserInterface) Application."))
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nInstall IconToolBox (MUI)?")
(help IconToolBox-help))
(set toolbox-dest
(prompt "Select destination path for IconToolBox file(s).")
(default archive2-dest)
(help @askdir-help)
(prompt "Select Files...")
(source "IconToolBox/")
(dest toolbox-dest)
(choices "IconToolBox" "IconToolBox_deutsch.guide" "IconToolBox_english.guide")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "IconToolBox/env/")
(dest "env:")
(prompt "copy IconToolBox' mui env files to env: ?")
(help "")
(source "IconToolBox/env/")
(dest "envarc:")
(prompt "copy IconToolBox' mui env files to envarc: ?")
(help "")
(dest (tackon toolbox-dest "IconToolBox"))
(settooltype "archive" (tackon archive2-dest "IconArchive"))
(dest (tackon toolbox-dest "IconToolBox_deutsch.guide"))
(dest (tackon toolbox-dest "IconToolBox_english.guide"))
; install BackgroundPatterns.
(procedure installBackgrounds
(set backpatterns-dest "ram:")
(set BackPatterns-help "a few BackgroundPatterns....")
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nInstall Background Patterns?")
(help BackPatterns-help))
(set backpatterns-dest
(prompt "Select destination path for 'Backgrounds' drawer.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default archive2-dest)
; (message "\n\n Installing Backgrounds to\n\n"
; (tackon backpatterns-dest "Backgrounds"))
(source "Backgrounds")
(dest (tackon backpatterns-dest "Backgrounds"))
(prompt "Installing Backgrounds to " (tackon backpatterns-dest "Backgrounds"))
(help "")
; install some mui-brushes.
(procedure installBrushes
(set mui-dest "MUI:Images/")
(set mui-help "a few MUI-Brushes for Dirlist-Objects...")
(if (askbool
(prompt "\n\nInstall a few MUI-Brushes?")
(help mui-help))
(set mui-dest
(prompt "Select destination path for 'RareDiamonds' brush-drawer.")
(default mui-dest)
(help @askdir-help)
(message "\n\n Installing MUI-Brushes to\n\n"
(tackon mui-dest "RareDiamonds"))
(source "mui/Images")
(dest mui-dest)
(message (cat "\n\n The installation procedure may last a while, so don't "
"panic on heavy disk activity...\n\n"
"You should read at least the Installation part in the guide first,"
" especially if you want to install the icons in 4 colors!"))
(complete 0)
(complete 25)
(complete 60)
(complete 65)
(complete 70)
(complete 85)
(complete 90)
(complete 95)
(complete 100)